Snowmass 2021 LOIs

Exploring the Snowmass 2021 LOI's graphically

View the Project on GitHub gordonwatts/snowmass-loi-words

Word Clouds

Word clouds are made by looking at the word frequency in the LOI’s. The more frequent the word, the larger the font-size in the word cloud.

All LOI’s

Word cloud all LOIs

Accelerator Frontier

Word cloud Accelerator Frontier

Cosmic Frontier

Word cloud Cosmic Frontier

Communications Frontier

Word cloud Communications Frontier

Computational Frontier

Word cloud Computational Frontier

Energy Frontier

Word cloud Energy Frontier

Instrumentation Frontier

Word cloud Instrumentation Frontier

Neutrino Frontier

Word cloud Neutrino Frontier

Rare Processes and Precision Frontier

Word cloud Rare Processes and Precision Frontier

Theory Frontier

Word cloud Theory Frontier

Underground Facilities Frontier

Word cloud Underground Facilities Frontier


Many common words are removed, in addition some words that are HEP specific. You can see the extras here (they are called ‘stopwords’). If there are others that should be removed, feel free to suggest them!