Extending the Data Model

It is nice to be able to avoid typing something over and over - like getting pt into units of GeV in ATLAS, or defining a new computed column in your data model. There are two methods for doing this in the prototype:

  1. Creating a new column in the data model using pandas like notation.
  2. Defining a regular expression that can lead to a new column.
import sys
sys.path = ['..'] + sys.path
from hep_tables import xaod_table,make_local
from func_adl import EventDataset
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams.update({'figure.figsize':(7,5), 'figure.dpi':100})
dataset = EventDataset('localds://mc15_13TeV:mc15_13TeV.361106.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee.merge.DAOD_STDM3.e3601_s2576_s2132_r6630_r6264_p2363_tid05630052_00')
df = xaod_table(dataset)

Adding Columns using a pandas like format

Use python's setitem syntax to do this, which mirrors what is done in pandas. Here we will define a new collection called all_ele that will mean we can type less, and second that will a new leaf called mypt which is pt in units of GeV.

df['all_ele'] = df.Electrons("Electrons")
df.all_ele['mypt'] = / 1000.0

We can then use them as if we had the leaves or collections as reulgar parts of the event:

pts = make_local(df.all_ele.mypt)

Wall time: 1.9 s
plt.hist(pts.flatten(), range=(0, 100), bins=50)
plt.xlabel('Electron $p_T$ [GeV]')
_ = plt.ylabel('PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee')
i:\gwatts\code\irishep\hep_tables\.venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal
  keep = (tmp_a >= first_edge)
i:\gwatts\code\irishep\hep_tables\.venv\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal
  keep &= (tmp_a <= last_edge)

As we will see in the next section, a computed column can also be a lambda expression.

Defining short cuts using a regular expression like syntax

This method is quite powerful and also, as a result, contains a certian amount of bad juju. Use with care!

Defining and redefining leaves

One thing about ATLAS is that all object $p_T$'s are in units of MeV - electrons, jets muons, tracks, etc. It would be nice to redefine all references to pt to be in GeV. So lets define a new leaf that will always return pt in units of GeV no matter where it is used in the data model.

from dataframe_expressions import define_alias

define_alias('', 'ptgev', lambda o: / 1000.0)
pts = make_local(df.all_ele.ptgev)

Wall time: 1.85 s
plt.hist(pts.flatten(), range=(0, 100), bins=50)
plt.xlabel('Electron $p_T$ [GeV]')
_ = plt.ylabel('PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee')

The arguments to define_alias actually allow quite a bit more (abusive) power. The first is the root, the second is the new leaf name, and the third is the function to be applied.

As a single leaf

This can also be used to add colunms to the data model, just as the pandas like method above can (the pandas method is the prefered way):

define_alias('.', 'eles', lambda e: e.Electrons("Electrons"))
pts = make_local(df.eles.ptgev)

Wall time: 1.84 s
plt.hist(pts.flatten(), range=(0, 100), bins=50)
plt.xlabel('Electron $p_T$ [GeV]')
_ = plt.ylabel('PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee')

The help for define_alias gives you a few more detials if interested.

Help on function define_alias in module dataframe_expressions.alias:

define_alias(base_obj: 'str', name: 'str', func_define: 'Callable[[DataFrame], DataFrame]')
    Define an alias that can be used as a short cut for a reference later on. For example:
        df = DataFrame()
        define_alias (".jets", "pts", lambda o:
    When you write `df.jets.pts` it is the same as writing ``.
    If you've already used an alias in constructing a `DataFrame` then it will not be
    filled: alias are resolved as the DAG is being constructed, not when it is rendered.
    ## Adding aliases of the same name
    This implementation does no checking as things are added. You can have different base names,
    and if the base_obj's are different they will match differently, as you would expect.
    But they are evaluated last one entered first, so if you enter a complete wildcard, nothing
    else will ever get looked at. If this wasn't a prototype perhaps I'd not allow this.
    ## How `base_obj` works
        - The leading `.` indicates a reference from the root dataframe
        - Without the leading `.` it will just match from the current position. For example,
        if `base_obj` is `""`, then anytime you write `xxx.pts` it will become ``.        This allows some level of wildcard.
    ## Restrictions on `func_define`
        - This function is called with a DataFrame as its argument. You may only do what you
          would normally do. So not loops, etc. It must return a new DataFrame!! Not even
          constant returns are supported just yet!
        base_obj            Base objects, starting with a `.` indicating path to where this should
                            be applied.
        name                Name of the new functions
        func_define         Lambda that returns the modified DAG. See restrictions above for rules
                            on this lambda.